Easier access to information on chemicals

Published on 21/01/2016

The European Chemicals Agency - ECHA, which works in close collaboration with the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, a service provided by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, has just updated the information on its regulatory database. This information is essential for all companies manufacturing, importing, providing and using chemicals that are affected by the REACH and CLP regulations, and that must rigorously follow them in order to fulfil their obligations.

Information on the 120,000 chemicals used in Europe, including those used in Luxembourg, is now available in three layers of complexity:

  • The infocard gives a summary of the key information on a chemical substance in plain English.
  • The brief profile provides a user-friendly overview of the information collected for each substance under the different chemical regulations.
  • The source data includes the raw data submitted by companies and notifications to the classification and labelling inventory.

Thanks to this database, consumers have also the opportunity to learn about the properties of chemicals that can be found in a wide range of products used by the general public (cleaning products, paints, do-it-yourself, etc.)

>> Visit the ECHA regulatory database
>> Contact the REACH&CLP Helpdesk for further information or support request regarding the database use

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