LIST supports the International Workshop on Asteroid Mining

Published on 22/09/2016

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologiy (LIST) is proud to sponsor the Asteroid Sciences Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering (ASIME) 2016 workshop held on 21-22 September at the Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg. 

This international two-day event on asteroid mining gathers roughly 100 scientists, researchers, venture capitalists, lawyers and decision makers from all over the world. The objectives are to place scientific constraints about particular asteroid properties such as porosity, density, chemical elements, volatile abundance as a function of asteroid type and further about specific asteroids. New collaborations and partnerships are expected to be formed between the research and industry domains.

For the second workshop day, emphasis is given to asteroid subsurface environment, as well as links with astrobiology, planetary protection and defense. During the morning session, researchers from our Materials Research and Technology (MRT) shared their expertise with an oral presentation focusing on the development of mass spectrometers at LIST.

ASIME 2016 is organised by the Institute of Astronomy, University of Latvia (LV) /  Planetary Science Institute (USA) /  Deep Space Industries Latvia, the Directorate of ICT and Space Affairs, Ministry of the Economy, The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Faculty of Science, Communication, and Technology, University of Luxembourg.

Visit ASIME 2016 dedicated website to read more 



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