Open data as a trigger of economic growth

Published on 07/06/2016

From 1-3 June 2016 in Brussels, the BE-GOOD - " Building an Ecosystem to Generate Opportunities in Open Data " project held its kick-off meeting. This 4-years European project, funded by the INTERREG NWE programme, will contribute to the exploitation of open data potential through both the sensitization and the accompaniment of high-value innovative applications using those data. The consortium brings together organisations and public operators from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, United-Kingdom and Ireland.

There, the Luxembourg is represented by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), which is the lead technical partner of the project. LIST will coordinate the project's methodological and technological framework and will contribute to the ecosystem structuration, tests in real-life conditions and in the implementation of the developed tool. LIST also brings to the consortium its expertise in data technologies and in open data driven services design.

>> To learn more about BE-GOOD, visit the project webpage

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