TO-BE Spring Meeting 2017

Towards oxide-based Electronics

The TO-BE Spring Meeting 2017, organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), will be held from 3rd to 5th Avril 2017 at the Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg.

The meeting aims to network researchers working in the field of the science and technology of transition-metal oxides and will help them to share their expertise, define future strategies, and cluster for future funding opportunities.

Participation at the event is free of charge and is open to scientists, both from the public research sector and from the private sector, with or without oral or poster contribution.  Support for travel and subsistence will be offered to a limited numbers of participants. Requests for support should be made before the deadline, together with the abstract submission.


Programme and Invited speakers

The online programme is now available here

Invited speakers

- A. Gruvermann (University of Nebraska, USA)
- J. Mannhart (Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany)
- H. Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- M. Trassin (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
- M. Gibert (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- X. Moya (Univ. Cambridge, UK)
- T. Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
- R. Dittmann (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
- A. Zappettini (IMEM CNR, Italy)
- G. Balakrishnan (University of Warwick, UK)
- S. van Dijken (Aalto University, Finland)
- M. Calderon (ICMM, Spain)
- A. Sharoni (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
- T. Schenk (NamLab, Germany)
- M. Dekkers (SolMates, Netherlands)


Call for papers

Abstract submission are now closed!

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

1) Fundamental Understanding of oxides for electronics: Theory and Experiments

  • Spin-transport and spin orbit effects in oxides
  • Complexity in transition metal oxides: inhomogeneity, phase separation, quantum criticality
  • Probing oxides at the nanoscale
  • Larger-scale, mesoscale modelling, effective theories
  • Topological states and defects, vortices, skyrmions
  • Role of defects in functional properties
  • Interface effects
  • Magnetic frustration
  • 2-dimensional metal oxide nanosheets
  • Strongly correlated electrons phenomena
  • Quantum computing In situ characterisation of devices 

2) Oxides Growth and Fabrication Methods

  • In situ monitoring of thin film deposition
  • Integration of functional oxides on silicon
  • Large areas and upscaling
  • Low-temperature growth methods
  • Growth on flexible and transparent substrates
  • Nanofabrication methods
  • Introduction of nano-inclusions
  • Crystal growth and characterisation of oxides and/or hybrid oxides

3) Oxide-based applications and devices

  • Thermoelectric and electrocaloric devices
  • Photovoltaic applications
  • Thin film batteries
  • Memories and memristors
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Spintronics
  • Quantum computing
  • In situ characterisation of devices


Conference chair: Mael Guennou (LIST, Luxembourg), Rosalba Fittipaldi (CNR-SPIN, Italy)

Programme Committee: Jens Kreisel (LIST, Luxembourg), Jeroen Van Den Brink (IFW Dresden, Germany), Gertjan Koster (MESA+/University of Twente, The Netherlands), Nini Pryds (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), Fabio Miletto Granozio (CNR-SPIN, Italy)

Local Organisation Committee: Alexandra Dobrowolski (LIST), Mael Guennou (LIST)


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TO-BE Spring Meeting 2017


Practical Infos

Dates: 3-5 April 2017 (download the programme)

Venue: Neumünster Abbey
28 Rue Münster, 2160 Luxembourg

Acces information:

Important dates:

Notification of abstract acceptance to authors

Assignment of TO-BE participation grants

10-02-2017 to 27-03-2017


We have blocked some rooms in differents hotels in Luxembourg.
To book a room, please check out the following document:


For any question regarding the event please send an email at


Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel: +352 275 888 - 1
Fax: +352 275 885

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