The Seminars on MAterials Research & Technology Lecture Series is an initiative from the Materials Research and Technology department at LIST that will revolve around the department’s five core pillars:
The SMAR&T Lecture Series particularly aims to introduce LIST’s Materials research fields and the Luxembourg research community at large to cutting-edge trends in materials technology while fostering novel research programmes.
The SMAR&T series will host world-renowned experts from academia and industry to share their insights, enhancing the knowledge base within LIST’s Materials department and Luxembourg as a whole.
With a total of 10 planned lectures, the SMAR&T series seeks to bridge the gap between different and diverse research domains while fostering the exchange of ideas.
Through informal and extended discussions, the series will also encourage interaction and engagement among researchers and SMAR&T speakers, potentially sparking research collaborations and novel initiatives. To enable this, at every SMAR&T Lecture interested researchers will be able to meet individually with the SMAR&T seminar speaker to exchange research ideas.
Join the 9th SMAR&T Lecture either virtually of physically on December 4th!
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![]() | Julien Baumont |
He will begin by introducing Shift4Good, their climate impact fund dedicated to sustainable mobility and circular economy. In the second part, he will delve into the activities of selected pre-seed funds affiliated with leading universities and research organizations across Europe. |
Presentation Title | "From Research to Impact: Exploring Institutional Investments in Green and Deep Tech” |
BIOGRAPHY | Julien Baumont began his career in finance and audit in 2007. By 2012, he was advising European tech start-ups and SMEs on international expansion through PwC's Accelerator, focusing on strategic planning, fundraising, and due diligence in B2B software and industrial goods. From 2016, he spent nearly seven years at the European Investment Fund, leading over 40 investments in VC funds specializing in disruptive technology and climate innovation, and serving on the advisory boards of 50+ funds across 14 countries. In 2023, Julien joined Shift4Good as Partner, aiming to establish it as Europe’s leading sustainable mobility focused fund. |
![]() | Dr. S. “Pete” Worden |
Biography | Dr. S. “Pete” Worden, (Brig Gen, USAF, Ret, PhD) is Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation and Executive Director of the foundation’s ‘Breakthrough Initiatives’. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Michigan and a PhD in Astronomy from the University of Arizona. After several US Air Force positions and a research professorship in astronomy at the University of Arizona, Dr. Worden was Director of NASA’s Ames Research Center until retiring on March 31, 2015. From 2017 to the present, Brigadier General Worden is an Advisor to the Luxembourg Space Agency and was appointed as a Knight-Commander of the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2018 for his space services. |
Presentation Title | "Life in the Universe and Private Sector Space Science Initiatives" |
Abstract | The Breakthrough Initiatives are a suite of scientific space exploration programs searching for signatures of life beyond Earth. These efforts include Breakthrough Listen, a search for technosignatures and advanced life, Breakthrough Watch, a ground and space-borne program to support direct imaging of nearby exoplanets, and Breakthrough Starshot, an interstellar programme to develop lightsail probes destined to Alpha Centauri. The Alpha Centauri system has been center stage in scientific discoveries recently, and is a focus across the breadth of the Breakthrough Initiatives. As the closest star and planetary system to our Solar System at ~1.3 pc, our neighbor is intriguing. Multiple observations are ongoing, and plans are drawn up for an eventual visit. In the past few years, several planets have been confirmed orbiting Proxima Centauri – one appears to be earth sized and in the star’s “habitable zone.” Non-thermal radio emission has been confirmed from Proxima and appears modulated by the planet Proxima b. There is even, albeit likely to be terrestrial interference, narrow band signals from the star.
![]() | Prof. Ken Hara |
Biography | Ken Hara is an Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. He received a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and a Graduate Certificate in Plasma Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan, and B.S. and M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Tokyo. Prior to joining Stanford University, he was a Visiting Research Physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory as a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University. His research interests include electric propulsion, low temperature plasmas, plasma physics (plasma-wall interactions, plasma-wave interactions), data-driven modeling, rarefied gas flows, and computational fluid and plasma dynamics. He has received awards from IEEE, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and Office of Naval Research, Department of Energy. |
Presentation Title | How plasmas can help materials (and vice versa): from semiconductors to aerospace applications |
Abstract | Ionized gases, also known as “plasmas”, play an important role in a wide range of natural phenomena and engineering applications, including spacecraft electric propulsion, hypersonic flows, fusion energy, and material processing. In this talk, I will discuss the opportunities and challenges in plasma science and engineering, focusing on how plasmas can help material processing and how materials help plasma transport and chemistry. For instance, the radicals and ions generated from a plasma discharge are used for etching and deposition in the semiconductor industry. In spacecraft electric propulsion, ions are accelerated and ejected in space to move a spacecraft. Simultaneously, generation (reaction, chemistry) and transport (acceleration, diffusion) mechanisms of the plasmas are influenced by the presence of materials that confine the plasmas. Better understanding of the nonlinear coupling between plasmas and materials can therefore help optimize existing engineering systems, design new capabilities, and enable new science and technology. I will present an overview of experimental and computational capabilities that are used to measure and predict the complex nonlinear processes of plasma flows and plasma-material interactions.
![]() | Dr. Georgi Trenchev |
Biography | Dr. Georgi Trenchev is CTO and co-founder of D-CRBN. He obtained his BSc and MSc at the Physics Faculty of University of Sofia, Bulgaria, followed by a PhD at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, under the supervision of Prof. Annemie Bogaerts. He has over 20 journal publications in the fields of plasma-based gas conversion, reactor engineering and plasma modeling. He frequently reviews submissions for Journal of CO2 utilization, Chemical Engineering (Elsevier) and Plasma Sources Science and Technology (IOP). In 2023, he was awarded the Innovation Prize by the European Physical Society, together with Annemie Bogaerts. |
Presentation Title | "Industrial decarbonization through state-of-the-art atmospheric plasma" |
Abstract | Gas conversion by the means of plasma is a hot topic not only in the academic setting anymore, but also in the chemical, oil and environmental industries. This is largely driven by the climate mitigation efforts, but also by the evident pathways of value creation by converting greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 into useful chemical feedstocks. The answer to this demand is D-CRBN, an innovative spin-off from the research group PLASMANT at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. This seminar reviews the step-by-step process of bringing a lab-scale plasma reactor to a pilot-scale gas conversion system, starting from decade-long academic research.
![]() | Dr. Josiane Lafleur |
Biography | Bio: Josiane P. Lafleur holds a doctorate degree in chemistry from McGill University (Canada). She worked for several years in research and academia, first as a postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Denmark and then as an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). In 2018, she decided to take the plunge and co-founded the TU Wien spin-off Invisible-Light Labs GmbH. |
Presentation Title | "EMILIE - Nanomechanical infrared sensing for nanoparticle characterization" |
Abstract | Thanks to their unique physical, chemical, and biological properties, nanomaterials and nanoparticles have found a wide range of applications such as in drug delivery, cosmetics, foods, and much more. However, they also pose a potential threat to human health and the environment, as they may enter our water, air, and food chain. Detecting and characterizing nanoparticles remains a major challenge of our modern society. It’s been the breakthrough of our research team at TU Wien to apply the nanomechanical point of view to the world of optics to create a radically new infrared (IR) detector especially suited to the analysis of nanomaterials. EMILIE, our nanomechanical IR detector has the potential to play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and responsible use of nanomaterials and nanoparticles, while also providing valuable insights into their fundamental properties and behaviour. Josiane will present the principles behind EMILIE's exceptional sensitivity as well as share Invisible-Light Labs' experience in translating academic research to market..
![]() | Dr. Luca Ravagnan
Biography | Luca Ravagnan co-founded and has been CEO of WISE since 2011. He has long-term experience in basic and applied research in the field of nanotechnology and developed and patented WISE’s proprietary Supersonic Technology. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Management Board of the Lombardy’s Life Sciences Cluster and in 2020 he became an Endeavor Entrepreneur. He holds a PhD in Physics and an Executive MBA from SDA Bocconi. |
About WISE | WISE is a medical device company that develops innovative electrodes for Neuromonitoring, Neuromodulation and BCI. Its proprietary Supersonic Technology allows the creation of stretchable and pliable electrodes that can conform to neural tissues and improve clinical outcomes. WISE's products include the Heron® lead, a unidirectional, percutaneous, multicolumn lead for Spinal Cord Stimulation, and the WISE Cortical Strip (WCS®), a single-use cortical electrode for IntraOperative Neurophysiological Monitoring. |
Presentation Title | "WISE, how an “experimental error” became a company" |
Abstract | This presentation traces the journey of WISE, from an unexpected discovery in a university laboratory to a pioneering medical device company. In 2006, researchers at the State University of Milan stumbled upon unusual conductive properties while experimenting with nano-deposition on polymers. This serendipitous discovery led to the development of a unique technology for creating stretchable electrodes that can interface with neural tissues. The founders, initially academic researchers, recognized the potential applications of their technology in the biomedical field, specifically for neurology. They patented their invention and quickly established a startup to explore market opportunities. The company, leveraging its proprietary Supersonic Technology, developed the WISE Cortical Strip and the Heron lead, innovative products aimed at neuromonitoring and neuromodulation. The presentation will outline the steps from the initial patenting process and identification of an unsolved market need to multiple rounds of seed and venture capital (VC) investment, totaling €26 million. It will cover the development, validation, and approval of WISE’s products in Europe, the United States, and Australia, culminating in their market introduction. The ongoing development of a second product aims to position the company for a strategic exit. WISE exemplifies a successful case of technology transfer in the deep tech realm, highlighting the blend of scientific discovery and entrepreneurial spirit that propels innovative solutions from lab to market. |
![]() | Prof. Cristina Lenardi
Biography | Cristina Lenardi is full professor of Applied Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Milan and since 2019 Director of the School of Specialization in Medical Physics and since 2020 President of the National College of Directors of Specialization Schools of Medical Physics. She is the head of the Medical Physics laboratories at the Physics Department and of the Advanced Biomaterials platform at the UNIMI Foundation. Her main research areas concern the development of microfabricated devices for bio-hybrid actuators, the synthesis of organic microparticles for cell delivery and of gels for three-dimensional dosimetry, the study of cellular processes of mechanotransduction on nanostructured surfaces and electronic characterization of nanomaterials. She coordinated the research activity funded by public and private entities. She has dealt with technology transfer through patents, commissioned industrial research and favoring the creation of spin-offs, such as Società Tensive srl (, which was awarded the "Premio Gaetano Marzotto" in the main section "Premio per l'Impresa". She received an award from the "Fondazione Galileo" and, as a member of the Laboratorio Getti Molecolari (LGM), in 2006 the "L. Premio Tartufari" prize awarded by the Accademia dei Lincei. She holds the Mechanics course for the bachelor's degree in Physics, the Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications course for the master's degree in Physics and the Bioimaging course for the master's degree in Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. She teaches electron spectroscopy at the Doctoral School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics of the University of Milan and Physics of Matter for the School of Specialization in Medical Physics. She has published more than 180 PRJ papers and three patents. |
Presentation Title | "Experiences of basic research resulted in successful technology transfer" |
Abstract | Prof. Cristina Lenardi will talk about her "scientific adventure" in the various research areas in which she had the opportunity to operate. In particular, she will start from the initial experience concerning the design and setting up of a beamline for a new large facility, the Synchrotron ELETTRA, then moving on to the synthesis and characterization of the electronic properties of nanostructured materials produced with innovative sources of nanoparticles, to the study of the interaction between cells and nanostructures which led to unexpected cellular response being highlighted, up to few of the most modern applications of Physics to Medicine. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how her research experiences in the fields of nanotechnology and biomaterials have led to the development of products placed in the market of biomedical devices. In particular, she will show how some factors have emerged from basic research activity that have given rise to a glimpse of a possible technological transfer. In this context she will also point out few essential aspects in order to start and proceed in the transition from an idea to a suitable prototype in view of a feasible product development, such as protection of the intellectual property, fund raising, identification of an appropriate market niche and above all the decision of somebody, perhaps among the researchers who originated the idea, to full-time dedicate themselves to the new enterprise. |
![]() | Dr. Ahmed Diallo
Biography | Dr. Ahmed Diallo is a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), where he advances commercial fusion energy by guiding and overseeing transformative research projects. Before joining ARPA-E, Diallo worked at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for 13 years. He served as Principal Research Physicist and the Head of the Advanced Diagnostics Development Division. During his tenure at PPPL, Diallo developed advanced lasers, X-rays, and other diagnostic techniques in support of microelectronics, quantum computing, high-energy-density plasmas, and magnetic fusion plasma research. He also served as the Deputy Director for the public-private Innovation Network for Fusion Energy partnership, where he planned, directed, and evaluated research activities in partnership with national labs, universities, and private industries. While at PPPL, Diallo was a recipient of the U.S. Department of Energy's Early Career Research Program Award, was honored as a DOE Oppenheimer Fellow, and was named a PPPL Distinguished Research Fellow. Prior to his time at PPPL, Diallo served as a Research Fellow at the Australian National University, and as a Post-Doctoral Scientist at the Swiss Plasma Center at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Iowa. |
Presentation Title | " Advancing First Wall Materials for Sustainable Fusion Power Systems" |
Abstract | In fusion power systems, the first wall is critical for containing reactions, bearing loads, and shielding components from extreme conditions. However, exposure to high-energy neutrons (>1 MeV) and intense heat fluxes (up to 10 MW/m²) severely compromises its integrity. As fusion energy progresses toward commercialization, enhancing the durability and maintainability of first-wall materials is crucial for economic viability. While thermal effects on materials are well-understood, the synergistic impact of heat and high neutron flux introduces complex, nonlinear phenomena that challenge current predictive capabilities. Radiation damage, primarily through atomic displacements and transmutations, leads to material degradation. Measured in displacements per atom (dpa), first-wall materials in fusion plants may experience over 50 dpa during a 40-year lifespan, with embrittlement observed at merely 5 dpa. This presentation will explore: 1. The multifaceted challenges in developing radiation-resistant materials 2. Innovative approaches to discover materials capable of withstanding 50 dpa 3. Implications for the economic and environmental sustainability of fusion power. The talk will conclude with an overview of the CHADWICK program developed at ARPAE as well as recent efforts standing up a private-public partnership called INFUSE. |
Dr. Borja Peropadre | Senior Manager and Head of Quantum Algorithms Engineering | IBM Quantum | |
ABSTRACT | In this talk, Dr. Borja Peropadre will get you introduced to the field of quantum computing, emphasizing the key differences from classical computation and explaining why certain problems are naturally suited for quantum computers. He will discuss one of the most promising applications, namely the simulation of quantum mechanical systems, ubiquitous in quantum chemistry, strongly correlated systems and material science. Dr. Borja Peropadre will discuss different quantum algorithms to approach this problem, from fault-tolerant algorithms such as quantum phase estimation (QPE) to near-term variational algorithms like VQE. Finally, we’ll review the current state of the field, examining what’s achievable with today’s quantum computers and where we expect this technology to head in the coming years. |
BIOGRAPHY | Dr. Borja Peropadre holds a PhD in Physics from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and has over 15 of experience in quantum computing and quantum information. His early work focused on the theory of superconducting qubits, a foundational element in today’s quantum computers. After his PhD, Borja conducted his postdoctoral research at Harvard University, where he worked on quantum algorithms and near-term applications of quantum technologies using Boson Sampling as a non-universal quantum computing paradigm. Dr. Borja Peropadre has extensive experience in the field, including roles in academia and industry. He worked at Raytheon Technologies' Quantum Information group and later joined Zapata Computing as Director of Hardware Implementations. He currently leads the IBM Quantum Algorithm Engineer team, that drives adoption and algorithm performance with the goal of accelerating quantum utility across the IBM Quantum Network.
![]() | Julien Baumont |
He will begin by introducing Shift4Good, their climate impact fund dedicated to sustainable mobility and circular economy. In the second part, he will delve into the activities of selected pre-seed funds affiliated with leading universities and research organizations across Europe. |
Presentation Title | "From Research to Impact: Exploring Institutional Investments in Green and Deep Tech” |
BIOGRAPHY | Julien Baumont began his career in finance and audit in 2007. By 2012, he was advising European tech start-ups and SMEs on international expansion through PwC's Accelerator, focusing on strategic planning, fundraising, and due diligence in B2B software and industrial goods. From 2016, he spent nearly seven years at the European Investment Fund, leading over 40 investments in VC funds specializing in disruptive technology and climate innovation, and serving on the advisory boards of 50+ funds across 14 countries. In 2023, Julien joined Shift4Good as Partner, aiming to establish it as Europe’s leading sustainable mobility focused fund. |
Supported by
( project code 18014455)
Date: 4 December 2024
Schedule: 03:30 p.m to 04:30 p.m
Location: LIST, 41, rue du Brill - L-4422 Belvaux
Attendance either virtual of physical.
By registering the participants will have the possibility to meet with the speaker. Appointments could be made and will depend on the number of places available. You will be contacted before the event in order to organise the meeting.
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