Heat2Power® – innovative tool to help industries optimize steam and electricity generation from lost heat
Heat2Power®, an innovative tool developed by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in collaboration with ArcelorMittal Foundation Luxembourg, will help companies make the best of their waste heat and convert it into valuable electrical energy. LIST, whose vocation is to transfer scientific and innovative solutions to economic and industrial stakeholders, has been bringing its expertise to the operational teams at ArcelorMittal’s industrial sites in Luxembourg for the past four years, centered around the concept of the « Forge », where ideas and possible project leads are developed and tested as part of ArcelorMittal’s transition process towards circular and decarbonized steel production. The collaboration agreement, signed in October 2019, provided the space and time for both organizations to exchange ideas and develop new concepts, ultimately leading to the creation of Heat2Power®. The tool aims to address and optimize waste heat recovery during the production process, ultimately enhancing energy efficiency and the decarbonization of the plants.