GECAMed, first Luxembourgish software to obtain IHE conformity
The interoperability of GECAMed with other solutions available for professionals in the healthcare sector is demonstrated.
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Transfert de technologies vers le secteur de la logistique marocain
Les technologies développées par le LIST pour le secteur de la logistique présentes au salon Logismed de Casablanca.
« Commodo-Incommodo » : Octroi et suivi des autorisations d’exploitation pour les PME industrielles et artisanales
Plus de 120 participants ont pris part à la séance d'information "Commodo-Incommodo".
Discover LIST four professional masters degrees
Registrations are now open for the 2015/2017 cohort for the four professional masters degrees offered by LIST.
Director of the ITIS department a keynote speaker at IEEE RCIS 2015 conference
Prof. Eric Dubois will be a keynote speaker at the IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS).
eHealth the focus at Med-e-Tel
From April 22-24, 2015, LIST researchers took part in the 13th edition of Med-e-Tel.
The who’s who of European research gathered in Luxembourg
The annual conference of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations is currently underway in Luxembourg City. For the first time, the conference has been co-organized in (...)
Meet LIST researchers at transport logistic 2015
LIST will be part of one of the two Luxembourg Pavilions at transport logistic 2015
20 participants attended "Hydrocourse 2015"
Environmental modellers increasingly require practical and robust approaches for model development and evaluation.
Deliveries in the Luxembourg City’s Gare district put under the microscope
The results of a study carried out last year on freight transport in Luxembourg City’s Gare district have just been published.
Calculate your greenhouse gas emissions and learn about areas for further action
On April 23, 2015, about forty participants had the chance to discover “Betriber & CO2”, a tool developed by LIST.
180 European researchers brought together in Luxembourg around the theme of imaging spectroscopy
From April 14-16, 2015, more than 180 researchers gathered in Luxembourg for the 9th EARSeL workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy.