Miscanthus, a promising biomass crop
LIST hosted the annual meeting of the International Society for Miscanthus and Perennial Energy Grasses.
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Risk analysis for food safety
Luxembourg welcomed Bernard Url from the European Food Safety Authority.
Moving Towards Smarter Cities
LIST takes part in European Smart & Living City Conference on 1-2 December 2015.
Luxembourg companies and REACH & CLP regulations
Latest developments and challenges related to the implementation of the European regulations REACH and CLP have been presented to the public.
At the heart of the global warming negotiations
LIST's focus on the topic of limiting global temperature increase
Ninth annual conference of REACH & CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg
On 3 December 2015, companies in Luxembourg are invited to learn about developments and future challenges related to the implementation of European REACH and CLP regulations.
70 participants from 26 EU countries attended the NEREUS COST Action Meeting in Luxembourg
On October 29-30, 2015, LIST organised a workshop related to wastewater treatment in partnership with Cyprus university
Congratulations to Christian Köhler for its PhD defense!
With its successfully defended PhD dissertation, Christian Köhler makes a substantial contribution to the understanding of pharmaceutical removal from urban wastewater.
Trendsetter in Plant Disease
LIST paper spotted as a Trending Study by the American Phytopathological Society (APS).
REACH&CLP - Annual Conference 2015
On 3rd December 2015 (12:30 to 5:00 pm), the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg holds its annual conference at the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.
Des solutions simples pour réduire son empreinte carbone
Des solutions simples permettant aux PME d’utiliser les concepts existants dans le domaine de la mobilité pour réduire leur empreinte carbone a été présentée ce jeudi 22 octobre 2015.
Two LIST researchers presented Earth Observation applications during European Space Expo
Patrick Matgen and Martin Schlerf presented two environmental applications of Earth Observation