Gromperefest : Participation du LIST
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New AncIllary Services (NAIS) for the Smart Grid
VALUES project scientific workshop - part of Eco Summit conference
Public Seminar on Sol-gel Technology
Libramont agricultural, forestry and agri-food fair
LIST's participation in the conference "Climate & Energy: Industry - Quo vadis?"
LIST's participation in the World Summit on Environmental Accounting 2016
Workshop "Computational algorithms for Sustainability Assessment" (CLASS 2016)
La Fête des Hauts-Fourneaux, édition 2016 : Le LIST se joint à l'événement
LIST at the Ettelbrück Agricultural Fair
Conférence sur la consommation énergétique et les impacts environnementaux des bâtiments résidentiels
LIST's participation in Luxembourg Space Show 2016