The profession of a trainer is still not well regulated in Europe. Trainers, training and certifications, if they exist, are not subject to harmonization at European level. Moreover, in many European countries, it is not necessary to be trained, to be a graduate or hold a certification to exercise the training profession. In this context, the trainer must often prove their experience to get a contract or work in a European country other than where they are usually established.
Since 2010, Europe focuses on the recognition and validation of skills acquired in non-formal and informal learning contexts and on the quality of further professional training and education.
The project CERTI4TRAIN was launched to respond to this with European recommendations that affect trainers. The objective of this project is to develop a European certification for trainers. This certification and the means to get it will be presented during the conference.
1. Project information
2. CVET trainer competence matrix
3. CVET trainer certification scheme
4. Competence exam process
5. Online platform supporting the exam process
6. Exploitation of results
Those involved in vocational training: independent trainers, corporate trainers, representatives of private training organization and/or public institutional actors active in the field of training.
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - LU
ProCert SA – FR
Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V. - DE
ViaSyst Management Solutions Limited – IE
Language: French
Date and time: Wednesday 22 June 2016 from 09h30 to 11h30
Place: Hôtel Parc Belle-Vue - 5, avenue Marie-Thérèse - L-2132 Luxembourg
Subscription : free but mandatory, subject to availability
Please subscribe online before 20 June 2016 and notify us as soon as possible in case of cancellation.
This project is co-financed by the European Commission within the ERASMUS+ programme.
> Find out more about the project
This communication reflects only the point of view of its authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information that it contains.