LIST participating in Med-e-Tel 2015

The 13th edition of Med-e-Tel, the International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum For Education, Networking and Business organised by the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) will take place in Luxembourg-Kirchberg on April 22-24, 2015.

The Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology's IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) department's research teams will present two research projects:

  • GECAMed eSanté, which aims at integrating GECAMed medical office management software into the national "eHealth platform"
  • eSens, a European project aiming at simplifying the public sector's cross-border electronic exchanges, in particular the access to the medical records of a patient while they are on holiday abroad.

LIST researchers will also take part in two conferences, alongside the eHealth Agency (Agence eSanté):

  • "Lessons Learned from National Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives", on Wednesday, April 22 at 4 p.m. with a paper entitled "The National Pseudonymisation Service of Luxembourg"
  • "eHealth: Ethical/Legal Issues, Standards, Security, User Requirements" on Friday, April 24 at 9 a.m. with a paper entitled "Experience of Integration of the IHE Based Luxembourgish eHealth Platform with an Open Source EMR System, GECAMed"

>> For more information about this event:

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Dipl.-Inf. Guido BOSCH
Dipl.-Inf. Guido BOSCH
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