Addressing the challenges of data science in the 21st century

Published on 18/11/2016

On 7-8 November 2016, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) took part in the European Data Science Conference (EDSC) organised by the European Association for Data Science (EuADS) in Luxembourg at the Abbey of Neumünster.


As one of the institutional members of EUADS, LIST’s experts are connected with stakeholders and decision-makers who are brought together in a unique environment for the presentation and discussion of new methods and models. They can share their expertise opening up new doors to the creation of new synergies. All together, they address the challenges of data science in the 21st century.

In the framework of its activities in the field of data science and business analytics, the institute conducts research to develop models, methods, software and devices for smart systems, fusing human and technological aspects. This is aligned with the association, hosted by the University of Luxembourg, aiming at promoting the development of models, methods and instruments of data science.

LIST at EDSC 2106

EDSC is the inaugural conference of EuADS that aims to provide a setting for fostering communication among all actors of Data Science in Europe. LIST contributed to the organisation of the event as well as to the scientific committee, with the participation of Eric Dubois, Director of “IT for Innovative Services” (ITIS) department at LIST.  

During the event, the question of trust, transparency and provenance of data was addressed. LIST representatives attended a public talk given by James Pang (Business Analytics Center, School of Computing, National University of Singapore) and Jorge Sanz (National University of Singapore), on “Big Data and Business Analytics (BA): Accelerating Digital Transformation in Enterprises and Industries”. In this discussion, the recent development and progress in BA applications to different industries are presented. It covers typical BA use cases, key challenges in BA technologies and the future outlook and trends of BA. 

During the session  “Structure of Data Science”, two position papers were submitted and presented by Manel Brichni and Thomas Tamisier from LIST. Manel Brichni presented her position statements on “the evolution from Business Intelligence to Business Analytics”. Thomas Tamisier presented his position statements on “Visual Analytics to Support Research and Applications for a Sustainable Future”.

It was two-days rich in exchanges. A range of issues has been brought up, from data and legal aspects management to more specific axis like the role of data science in healthcare.

What’s next? 

LIST conducts different research and innovative projects focusing on the Business Analytics domain. Hence, in the near future, the statements discussed during the EDSC conference will help position LIST’s challenges and contribute to the development of its activities. 

Are you interested in joining us? We have several job positions currently open at LIST. Feel free to take a look at our job section. Currently open position in the field: 

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

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