The government has appointed Eva Kremer at the head of the Board of Directors of the institute. Steve Kremer joins the same board as a member.
Following the proposal by Mr Claude Meisch, the Minister responsible for Research in the public sector, the government in council appointed Mrs Eva Kremer as LIST Chair of the Board of Directors on 12 May, replacing Mr Jacques Lanners. The Deputy Director of the Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement has held the position of Vice-Chair since 1 January 2020. Mr Etienne Jacqué is appointed Vice-Chairman of the board, replacing Mrs Kremer.
In addition, Mr Steve Kremer, 1st class Research Director at the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA) in Nancy (F), has been appointed member of the LIST Board of Directors to replace Jacques Lanners for the remainder of his mandate, which runs until 31 December 2024.
Officially announced on Tuesday, 24 May via their publication in the Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Mémorial), these decisions were taken in accordance with the provisions of the law of 3 December 2014 regarding the organisation of public research centres (CRP), as well as the decree of the government in council of 9 December 2019 appointing the members of the board of directors’ administration of LIST.
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