LIST at Researchers Days 2016

Published on 28/11/2016

On Friday 2 and Thursday 3 December 2016, LIST will take part in the 5th edition of Researchers Days, an event organised by the National Research Fund (FNR), together with its partners. For the first time ever, the Researchers Days will be held in Esch / Belval, in the heart of the Belval Innovation Campus, close to Luxembourg's research and innovation actors.

During those two days of discovery, exchange and learning about science and research, the Rockhal will turn into an enormous research laboratory. While the first day will exclusively adress the lycées on prior registration, the event will open its doors to people of all ages on the second day, Saturday 3 December from 10:00 to 18:00. There, 23 workshops and 4 science cafes will be presented and LIST will specifically welcome visitors to:

  • A workshop entitled « Polluants et produits chimiques contenus dans l’eau mis à nu ! » that will focus on water and pollutants and chemicals, while using the principle of augmented reality. This activity will be held in French and is to be found at the number WS 16.
  • A workshop entitled « Les robots sous contrôle », which will focus on interactions with machines / robots through tangible natural interfaces. This workshop will be held in French, German and Luxembourg and is to be found at the number WS 17.
  • A scientific café entitled « (Encore) des nouveaux matériaux ? Mais pour quoi faire ? » that will not only show examples of why doing research in materials, but will also highlight applications perspectives. This debate will be held in French on Saturday, December 3rd from 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm on the 2nd floor of the Rockhal. It is to be found at number SC4.

For further information about LIST's participation, visit the event webpage

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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