On Sunday 23 October 2016, the Tudor Museum in Rosport, Luxembourg, will unveil its new exhibitions, one of which was created in collaboration with researchers from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and co-financed by the National Research Fund (FNR).
This kiosk will be dedicated to the storage of electricity using lead accumulators – the main focus of the Tudor Museum – and will use a tangible user interface developed by LIST researchers.Thanks to this interface, visitors will be able to put themselves in the shoes of inventors and constructors of accumulators!
Although immersed in a virtual laboratory, they will still be able to manipulate real objects in order to make a functional accumulator. They will be free to choose their best tools from among the configuration of plates, acid solutions and red lead, by placing or inserting the objects defined on the kiosk. During this experience, visitors will receive information on the efficiency of their construction, its longevity and any errors they may have made, and will not only discover the history of accumulators but also find out about the observations which led Henri Tudor to produce the first usable accumulator, which he installed in Rosport in 1882.
>> For more information on this event, visit the dedicated page (in French)