LUXAIR senior management visits LIST

Published on 14/03/2018

On 21 February 2018, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) hosted a delegation from Luxair led by Andrien Ney – Luxair President and Chief Executive Officer, Marc Schroeder – Luxair Executive Vice President Finance, Alberto Kunkel – Luxair Executive Vice-President Tour Operating and Sales, Jean-Louis Willems – Luxair Vicepresident of IT Services and Solutions and Gilles Delattre – Luxair Head of the Programme Office. 

The delegation was welcomed to LIST’s premises at the research and innovation campus in Belval (LU) by Fernand Reinig – LIST Chief Executive Director a.i., Isabelle Hernalsteen – LIST Human Resources Director, Jens Kreisel – LIST Materials Research and Technology (MRT) Department Director; Lucien Hoffman – LIST Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) Department Director, Eric Dubois – LIST IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) Department Director and Thomas Schoos –LIST Head of External Communications.

The visit started at LIST’s technology showroom with a presentation of LIST’s research and development structure as a Research and Technology Organization (RTO), followed by a presentation of LIST’s three research departments and areas of its scientific expertise. After the general presentation of LIST, the ITIS department has pursued the exchanges through one ideation workshop to discuss further synergies and brainstorm potential collaborations on the topic of digitalisation of companies. 

In a complex, and continuously changing social and technical environment, organisations such as Luxair need the capacity to rapidly analyse, predict and manage the required transformation and adaptation of their operation. That's why the projects such as Success, Stimulate, CrossCult, and the experience from Data Analytics platform, have been valorised in this frame. They represent potential illustrations for the future collaboration between LIST and Luxair. LIST's IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) department conducts indeed research to develop models, methods, software and devices for smart systems, fusing human and technological aspects. Its ambition is to build trust around services, to develop new services with high level of informatics and to support innovation of IT-based services.

Luxair’s delegation was enthusiastic throughout the visit “I have found many common subjects of interest. We would like to find a realistic and concrete project with LIST”said Luxair’s President and CEO Adrien Ney.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

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