European Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger and Luxembourgish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Etienne Schneider have announced the next steps of the “Important Project of Common European Interest” (IPCEI) on HPC and Big Data Enabled Applications in an article published on the blog of the European Commission.
Of the world’s Top Ten supercomputers, only one is based in Europe and half are located in the USA. To develop HPC technology, the only way to secure the significant investment needed is to act together and combine national, regional and European funding.
As announced by Commissioner Oettinger at the recent European Data Forum (EDF) conference held in Luxembourg, the Luxembourgish government has already launched a joint “Important Project of Common European Interest” (IPCEI) on HPC and Big Data Enabled Applications with France, Italy and Spain.
In early 2016, the European Commission will launch the European Cloud Initiative to create a top-level European data and computing infrastructure. Luxembourg, France, Italy and Spain, in close collaboration with other Member States, will provide an HPC and Big Data Enabled Applications implementation roadmap to the European Council and European Commission in September 2016.
LIST is delighted to be working together with the Ministry of the Economy and Luxinnovation on this HPC project.
>> Read the full article for more information.
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