Moving towards a sustainable and interconnected economy

Published on 15/02/2017

Against a backdrop of economic growth, social progress and respect for the environment, the Third Industrial Revolution is under way in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – the first country to prepare for it at national level under the impetus of Jeremy Rifkin and his team. 

In its capacity as a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO), the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) actively supports the Ministry of the Economy, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and IMS Luxembourg in their process of co-constructing a new sustainable economic model. This model builds on the convergence of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), energy and transport within a smart grid and it is to this effect that efforts to implement the first concrete measures were launched in late 2016. 

In connection with this, on 7 February 2017 LIST took part in a first European event in Brussels, Belgium, centred around initiatives undertaken in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, the French region of Hauts-de-France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, where Deputy Prime Minister Etienne Schneider revealed the outline of the Luxembourg Third Industrial Revolution initiative.

LIST was also subsequently invited to the first Rev3 Days, an international business convention held from 8 to 10 February in Lille, France. Over two days, this series of conferences and discussion panels brought together more than 250 companies, local authorities, investors and research laboratories from 30 different countries. It was an excellent opportunity for LIST to present its research focus areas, talk and exchange ideas and also demonstrate its expertise and commitment. Aziz Zenasni, Director of Programmes at LIST, participated in the "Rev3 technological perspectives" panel, remarking that "LIST's missions to provide public policy support in terms of innovation mean that its research activities, and programmes in particular, are aligned with the strategic focus areas of the Luxembourg initiative on the Third Industrial Revolution". He also stressed that "The rationale of a prerequisite knowledge of ecosystems (via strategic intelligence) and their integration in the co-development of global solutions are key to ensuring the usability of our innovations".  

> For further information, please visit

> For any queries concerning LIST's activities in this area, please contact Aziz Zenasni.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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