Smart & Living City : an essential approach for the cities of tomorrow

Published on 01/12/2016

On Thursday 24th of November the 4th edition of the conference Smart and Living city, took place at the Belval Innovation Campus at Esch-Belval. Co-organized by Neobuild, l’Agence Wallonne à l’Exportation et aux Investissements étrangers (AWEX), CAP2020, LIST and Technoport, this event allowed visitors to discover innovative solutions and connected devices prefiguring the smart cities of tomorrow.

More than a hundred persons could discover for whom these connected devices are and even how to use them. Indeed, the digital tools and the new technologies modify in depth our urban landscape and our daily life and by 2025, a multitude of connected devices will be of our daily life use and will become, in some cases, conveniences in terms of use.

Exhibition booths, presentations and BtoB meetings rounded off the conference. On its stand, LIST presented more specifically two of its initiatives: 

  • Smart Construction Planner, a technology that allows to overcome the challenge of the industrialization of construction. Based on the Lean Construction methods, Smart Construction Planner is a solution designed to support the operational management of construction sites. LIST researchers, developed the idea of the connected construction site, as they imagined a construction site container equipped with various interactive technologies connected with sensors deployed on site, allowing the centralization and visualization of real-time data control for the construction site while focusing on the logistics, quality and planning.
  • GOLIATH, a research project co-funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), that focuses on the house of the future in which objects interact with each other to ensure that the user meets his or her expectations. GOLIATH intends to contribute to the development of intelligent houses and buildings by developing a solution that allows an organized connected environment to meet the comfort needs of its users in a given context.

The global approach of LIST and the value proposition of the smart city were also mentioned at the presentation given by Thibaud Latour during the session "Cities of Tomorrow ... today". He has particularly remarked how integrating innovative environmental and digital technologies together with extensive data analysis, can improve the use and management of resources, the mobility of people and goods, functionality, construction and management of buildings, or even the life experience of the citizens.


    Below, some pictures of the event:

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