A knowledge-sharing platform for space resources


Da Silveira M., Deladiennee L., Scolan E., Pruski C.


Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 151, art. no. 102286, 2024


The ever-increasing interest of academia, industry, and government institutions in space resource information highlights the difficulty of finding, accessing, integrating, and reusing this information. Although information is regularly published on the internet, it is disseminated on many different websites and in different formats, including scientific publications, patents, news, and reports. We are currently developing a knowledge management and sharing platform for space resources. This tool, which relies on the combined use of knowledge graphs and ontologies, formalises the domain knowledge contained in the above-mentioned documents and makes it more readily available to the community. In this article, we describe the concepts and techniques of knowledge extraction and management adopted during the design and implementation of the platform.



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