A mechanical analysis of variable angle-tow composite plates through variable kinematics models based on Carrera's unified formulation


Iannotta D.A., Giunta G., Montemurro M.


Composite Structures, vol. 327, art. no. 117717, 2024


Variable Angle-Tow (VAT) laminates offer a promising alternative to straight fiber composites. By varying fibers orientation within the structure plane, ambitious design and performance goals can be achieved. However, the wider design space results in a more complex problem with more parameters to consider. Carrera's Unified Formulation (CUF) has been used in previous works performing buckling, vibrational and stress analyses of VAT plates. Usually, one-dimensional (1D) CUF beam models are used, while two-dimensional (2D) plate models are obtained as a particular case of shells by considering a null curvature. In most cases, a linear law is considered to describe the variation of fibers orientation in the main plane of the structure. The purpose of this article is to extend the CUF 2D plate finite elements family to the mechanical analysis of composite laminated plate structures with curvilinear fibers. The main contribute consists in the development of a CUF FE model within the Reissner's Mixed Variational Theorem (RMVT) context for an improved calculation of the out-of-plane stress components. Results show that RMVT can predict in-plane stresses and satisfy the though-the-thickness transverse stresses continuity due to inter-layer equilibrium. The accuracy of RMVT-based models is also investigated using two different approximation points distributions along the plates thickness.



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