Ecotoxicity of lanthanides to Daphnia magna: insights from elemental behavior and speciation in a standardized test medium
Vignati D.A.L., Martin L.A., Poirier L., Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Fouque C., Bojic C., Hissler C., Cossu-Leguille C.
Peer Community Journal, vol. 4, art. no. e66, 2024
Lanthanides (LNs) are a group of 15 elements with steadily increasing economical importance due to their multiple uses in technologies essential for sustainable ecological, digital and energetic transitions. Although knowledge on LN ecotoxicology has greatly improved over the last decade, uncertainty persists with regard to their actual hazard and risk in freshwater environments. In particular, only limited information is available on i) the actual relationships between LN speciation vs. ecotoxicological responses in standardized laboratory tests and ii) the existence of regular and predictable patterns in LN ecotoxicity (expressed as e.g., EC50) along the LN series. The present paper provides the first report on the ecotoxicity of all lanthanides (except Pm) for the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna along with an unprecedented level of detail on LN speciation in the exposure medium. Experimental data show that exposure concentrations can decrease by up to 95 % over the test duration, with the percentage decrease being inversely related with LN atomic mass. Thermodynamic speciation calculations confirm the possible formation of insoluble species, mainly LN carbonates. However, the corresponding theoretical solubility limits do not fully agree with measured concentrations at the end of the tests. Experimental verification of exposure concentrations (as a minimum at the beginning and end of laboratory tests) remains therefore mandatory to reach proper conclusions as to the ecotoxicity of each LN. A decreasing trend in ecotoxicity can actually be observed along the LN series when temporal changes in the exposure concentrations are properly accounted for. However, this trend remains dependent on exposure time and selected exposure metrics. This and other caveats must be considered in future research to reach a community-based consensus for the proper hazard and risk assessment of LN towards daphnids and other aquatic organisms.