Seminar "Satellite IoT System Architectures and Performance"

In the framework of the LORSAT project

The 2-days course aims at providing insights on satellite Internet of Things systems, with particular focus on PHY and MAC layers, as well as on system architectures and system performance.  

First an introduction will be provided covering both the history of IoT terrestrial systems vs satellite communication networks, the main characteristics, the protocol stack, the frequency bands, the standards and the market. Example of satellite IoT systems will also be provided.

Then, the main protocols to be used by IoT satellite networks (LoRa, Satellite Random Access Schemes, NB-IoT) will be presented, highlighting challenges and requirements to be considered in the system design.  Performance comparison insights among the protocols  and examples of satellite system performance will also be discussed. In particular, the lesson learnt from the FNR LORSAT project and the SatNex V ONION projects, coordinated by LIST, will be presented, with some demos.

More details about the FNR LORSAT project


Alberto Ginesi was born in Parma, Italy. He received the Dr. Ing. (cum laude) and Ph.D degrees in electronic engineering from University of Pisa, Italy, in 1993 and 1998, respectively. In 1996-1997 he spent one year at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, performing research on digital transmissions for wireless applications. In 1997, he joined Nortel Networks and in 2000 Catena Networks, both in Ottawa, Canada, where he worked on Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL) technologies and contributed to the definition of the second-generation ADSL standards within the ITU-R standardization body.

Since 2002 he joined ESA Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, where he is currently covering the position of the Head of the Telecommunication Systems & Techniques Section of the Technical and Quality Management Directorate and is responsible for the R&D of satellite telecommunication systems. His main research interests lie in the area of satellite systems architectures and techniques. He is the author of more than 70 technical publications, 15 international patents and he is one of the instructors of the ESA internal course on Telecom Payloads.


The aim of the workshop is:

  • First to present the satellite IoT systems, the requirements, the design challenges, the architecture and system performance
  • Second to provide an in deep description of LoRa, Satellite Random Access Schemes, NB-IoT and their integration with satellite
  • Last, to describe relevant application scenarios (e.g., environmental monitoring, connectivity in rural area, maritime surveillance, etc.) of the satellite IoT.


The course is targeting a large audience, spanning from academic representative (master and PhD students, PostDoc, Researchers), industrial representative  (working on IoT and/or satellite technologies), and several stakeholders from different verticals that could benefit from the adoption of satellite IoT.


DAY1 27/06/2023

9:30 – Introduction to IoT systems – Part I

11:00 – Coffee break

11:15 – Introduction to IoT systems – Part II

12:30 - Lunch break

13:30 – LoRa/LoRaWAN Protocol Introduction and Application Notes - Part I

15:00 – Coffee break

15:15 – LoRa/LoRaWAN Protocol Introduction and Application Notes - Part II

16:15 – FNR LORSAT Project Presentation and DEMO

16:45 – Concluding remarks and student survey

DAY2 28/06/2023

9:30 – Random Access Schemes for Satellite IoT Systems – Part I

11:00 – Coffee break

11:15 – Random Access Schemes for Satellite IoT Systems – Part II

12:30 - Lunch break

13:30 – NB-IoT Protocol Introduction and Application Notes - Part I

15:00 – Coffee break

15:15 – NB-IoT Protocol Introduction and Application Notes  - Part II

16:15 – SatNex V ONION project Presentation

16:45 – Concluding remarks and student survey


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Seminar "Satellite IoT System Architectures and Performance"


Informations pratiques

Dates: 27 and 28 June 2023

Schedule: 09:30 - 17:30

Venue: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - 41 rue du Brill - L-4422 Belvaux

Registration fees: Free of charge but registration mandatory prior to 20 June 2023

Accomodation: A limited number of rooms have been blocked with a preferential rate at the hotel IBIS Belval (located at around 10 minutes from the venue).  Please book your room prior to 26th May, 2023.


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