The Joint Conference CIB W78 - LDAC 2021 will take place in Luxembourg between 11-15 October 2021 and is associated with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), its Working Commission W78 on Information Technology for Construction and the Linked Data in Architecture and Construction research community. This event is organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in collaboration with Cardiff University (UK) and the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).
The 38th CIB W78 conference on Information and Communication Technologies for AECO and the 8th LDAC workshop aim to bring together an international community of researchers and industrials interested in the areas of Construction Informatics, BIM, Digital Twin and Knowledge Management. The scope of the conference is broad in terms of the design, construction and operation and occupancy of constructed facilities, but it primarily relates to the integration and communication of data, information and knowledge in the life cycle of a facility.
The event will comprise keynote speeches from recognized scientific and industry speakers, parallel scientific sessions of CIB-W78 & LDAC presentations of scientific papers and industry sessions addressing the hot topics faced by the AECO industry companies.
The conference will also host workshops organized by EU-funded projects consortia in close collaboration with the European Construction Technology Association (ECTP) objectives and roadmap.
The committee has decided to host the conferences in Luxembourg in a hybrid format, with an online broadcast for those unable to join in person.
As the situation within the Eurozone is improving, we foresee partial attendance in person. If attendees are unable to travel or do not want to put themselves at risk, we believe this solution will allow everyone interested to participate safely. Travel restrictions applied by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in October will have to be fully respected.
More details on the provisional programme and registration on the dedicated website
Dates: 11-15 October 2021
Language: English
Duration: 5 days
Venue: Neumünster Abbey Cultural Exchange Center | 28, rue Münster | L-2160 LUXEMBOURG or Online attendance