Training: Plant cell suspension cultures 2025

As a safe means for the mass production of specialty molecules

Theoretical and hands-on training

Objective of the training

Learn how plant cells can be used to produce specialty molecules using bioreactors.

This vocational training is intended for early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral fellow with <5 years’ experience) who want to pursue a vocational qualification, or for engineers, technicians and lab managers who already have a vocational qualification but wish to adapt or develop their skills in line with recent technological developments relevant to different sectors, e.g.:

  •  Cosmetics
  •  Crop protection,
  •  Nutraceutics,
  •  Pharmaceutics.

The courses provided by LIST as a Research and Technology Organisation will address topics as:

  • Plant cell culture,
  • Bioreactor monitoring,
  • Downstream processing,
  • Analytical aspects of product characterization.

You will be plunged during a one-week training in LIST’s Greentech Innovation Centre with its:

  • 30+ bioreactors ranging from 2 l to 300 l,
  • Plant germplasm collection,
  • State-of-the-art -omics facilities.



Professionals and Academics from the biotech sector, Engineers, Technicians, Lab managers, PhD students, Post-doctoral fellows.


Structure of the training:

The vocational training has been implemented with an objective to provide both theoretical sessions and hands-on training in tools and techniques in plant cell-based bioprocess development. This training programme is based on:

  • Theoretical sessions from LIST and Company engineers
  • Hands-on lab sessions from tissue culture to the extraction and characterization of specialty molecules.

The vocational training will review a range of topics so that the participants will gain knowledge in plant cell culture, bioreactor monitoring, downstream processing as well as analytical aspects. At the end of the training, the attendees will have a broad understanding of plant cell-based bioprocesses, from tissue culture to the analysis of phytoextracts using high-throughput -omics. The course will provide the participants with the necessary skills to apply the theoretical, practical, and analytical knowledge gained to their own specific cases and to troubleshoot eventual problems that may occur.

The limited number of participants makes it possible to devote a sufficient time for questions and personalized discussions and explanations between the participants and the instructors.

Want to know more?
Watch the FNR’s dedicated video  to know more about plant cell suspension culture at LIST.


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Training: Plant cell suspension cultures 2025

Registration open

Informations pratiques

Format: Theory, Hands-on lab sessions

Duration : 5 days (40 hours)

Start: 22  September 2025

End: 26 September 2025

Language: English


LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)
5, rue Bommel, Z.A.E. Robert Steichen
L-4940 Hautcharage, Luxembourg
Maximum participants: 12


Before 31st May 2025:  Early Birds rates (-9% approx.)
Academic 1550€ VAT excl.
Business 2200€ VAT excl.

From 1st June 2025
: Standard price
Academic 1700€ VAT excl.
Business 2400€ VAT excl.


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