As part of the initiative of the University of Luxembourg "Lecture Series - Science and Citizens met Challenges of Sustainability", Henry-Michel Cauchie (Head of Research Unit on Water Security and Safety at LIST) will give a public lecture on April 26, 2016.
The lecture is entitled "Can technology save the world? A reflection on the places of technological innovation in solving water issue" and will take place at Campus Limpertsberg, room BS 2.01, from 18:30 to 20:30.
Abtract: "Water is essential for life and cannot be replaced by another resource. This first lecture will give an overview of the natural hydrological cycle on earth. Then, the stocks and fluxes used by humans will be briefly presented. Finally, the current concepts of "water quality” will be discussed according to two aspects: (1) how to define water quality targets, and (2) how to monitor this quality".