Lecture Series: Clean Energy Transition

Enabling Technologies for the Clean Energy Transition

The Clean Energy Transition (CET) has become a priority for Europe to move from a fossil fuel-based to a carbon-free energy model by 2050, thereby reducing CO2 emissions, limiting global warming and curbing climate change.

This lecture series will bring together a group of worldwide renowned experts in specific technical aspects of the CET (many of them qualified as Distinguished Lectures by the IEEE).

The lectures will consist of two content levels:

  •  present advanced and disruptive scientific concepts oriented to spark ideas among scientists, researchers and students interested in physical and digital energy management;
  •  include a review of projects, trends, businesses and policies related to the CET with the aim of attracting the attention of industry, associations and institutions working in/for the energy sector, trying to also draw the attention of civil society in general.

Join us on this journey towards energy transition, catalyzing a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future!



In this lecture series, we will explore the pioneering technologies that will transform our carbon-dependent society to a carbon-neutral one.

We will advance in understanding energy efficiency, renewable energy, electrification, digitalization, and beyond.

We will navigate the challenging landscape of the future of energy - digitalized, decentralized, and decarbonized.




25 th January 2024  
Prof. Frede Blaabjerg 

Challenges of Renewable Energy Integration in Clean Energy Systems 
Aalborg University, Denmark 
06th February 2024  
Prof. Lina Bertling 

Asset Management and Life Cycle Cost of Clean Energy Transition Technologies 
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 
20th February 2024  
Prof. Sibylle Dieckerhoff 

Clean Energy Transition toward Power Converter Dominated Power Systems 
Technical University of Berlin, Germany 
05th March 2024  
Prof. Jing Sun 

A Multi-scale Optimization Framework for Integrated Clean Power and Thermal Management 
University of Michigan, USA 
19th March 2024 
Dr Qianwen Xu

AI and Digitalization as Enablers of the Clean Energy Transition
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

09th April 2024  
Prof. Giovanna Oriti 

Role of Renewable Microgrids in the Clean Energy Transition 
Naval Postgraduate School, California, USA 

23rd April 2024  
Prof. Maryam Saeedifard 

DC grids as an Enabling Technology for the Clean Energy Transition 
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA 
07th May 2024  
Prof. Deepak Divan
The Power Grid as a  Clean Ecosystem Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
15th May 2024  
Prof. Yi Lu Murphey 

Programming for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and its Impact on Clean Energy Transition 
University of Michigan, USA 

28th May 2024  
Prof. Keyue Ma Smedley 

Confluence of Power Processing Technologies toward Clean Energy Transition Applications 
Irvine University, California, USA 



08th September 2023  
Prof. Antonello Monti 

Energy Digitalization: A Key Enabling Technology for the Clean Energy Transition 
RWTH Aachen University, Germany 
12th October 2023  
Prof. Arumugam Nallanathan 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Massive Internet of Things (mIoT) in Clean Distributed Energy Systems University of London, UK 
23rd October 2023  
Prof. Julio Romero Agüero 

Grid Modernization toward Smart Systems for the Clean Energy Transition 
Quanta Technology, North Carolina, USA 
14th November 2023  
Prof. Fei Gao 

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles and Outlooks in the Context of the Clean Energy Transition 
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
13th December 2023  
Prof. Pierluigi Mancarella 

Clean Multi-Energy Systems: An Introduction to the Smart Grid beyond Electricity 
University of Melbourne, Australia 



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Lecture Series: Clean Energy Transition


Informations pratiques

Schedule: 03:00 p.m to 04:30 p.m

The lectures will be delivered in-person and online.

Register for one or multiple lectures

(Via the confirmation e-mail, you can update/change your registration at any time: EDIT and then BACK to see all the sessions)

Location: Belval Campus


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