Research meets practice at the 8th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference

Publié le 05/06/2018

From May 28th to June 1st 2018, the 8th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2018) took place at the Belvaux site of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). 

The working conference, which was co-organised in the context of LIST’s IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) activities, addressed the emerging field of enterprise engineering. The discipline of enterprise engineering takes an engineering-based view on the design of enterprises (companies, government organisations, cross organisational collaborations, etc), while integrating different aspects of an enterprise, ranging from value exchanges, transactions, business processes, to the underlying IT infrastructures. Given present-days challenges of dealing e.g. with organisation complexity, the need to innovate, compliance to regulations, etc, an engineering-based approach becomes increasingly necessary to maintain a good overview over the design of an enterprise.

The goal of EEWC2018 was to gather academics and practitioners in order to share innovative research results and practical experiences, mixing rigour and relevance. About 25 participants could experience the benefits of the working conference featuring a mix of research and practice-based presentations and discussions, as well as an integrated Doctoral Consortium. This provided the conditions for an interesting program with significant scientific advancement. A keynote lecture was given by Dr. Luiz Olavo Bonino, International Technology Coordinator of the GO FAIR International and focused on the topic “Towards cross-domain interoperation in the Internet of FAIR Data and Services”. 

One of the working sessions during the working conference targeted the concept of smart cities. One of the findings of the group of international experts involved in the discussion, was that the concept of smart cities should focus primarily on using digital means to balance the well-being of the inhabitants (people, businesses, etc) of the city. As such, a smart city is not just a city with a “lot of sensors” and “data analytics”. The challenge is, rather, to use such technologies to improve the well-being of its inhabitants, which encompasses topics such as personal mobility, health-care, air-quality, etc. 

LIST and Enterprise Engineering

The organisation of this conference fits with LIST’s ongoing activities on enterprise engineering. At LIST, these activities are rooted on the FNR PEARL chair of Professor Proper. Together with his team specialised in Impact oriented systems engineering, they conduct several related research projects, on architectural coordination, interoperability, innovation and value co-creation.

> For any question on this topic, contact Prof. Dr. Erik Proper via email.

> View a selection of pictures on

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