
The mission of the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department is to carry out responsible impact-driven research and technological innovation & policy support for a sustainable resources management and the reduction of environmental impact of human activities, in order to enable and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable, resilient and digital economy and society in Luxembourg and abroad. The department comprises more than 200 life, environmental and IT scientists and engineers across four research units which bring together the necessary interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to tackle the major environmental challenges our society is facing today, including climate change mitigation, ecosystem resilience, sustainable energy systems, efficient use of renewable resources, and environmental pollution prevention and control.

research units

Priority areas

  • Natural resources and agrosystems under change
  • Circular bioeconomy
  • Environment and health
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Sustainable cities and territories
  • Safe and sustainable by design production and consumption

Equipment and facilities

Across its laboratory and field infrastructure, the department offers a wide range of standardised and made-to-measure services in the fields of testing, measurement, analysis, innovation management and methods. Its Biotechnologies and Environmental Analytics platform hosts laboratory facilities for chemical, biological analyses, as well as bioprocessing, whereas the Observatory for Climate, Environment and Biodiversity manages cutting-edge technological infrastructures and monitoring networks to produce science-based evidence for supporting policy-making processes towards sustainable and informed management of natural resources.


Central to LIST’s “smart green” vision is increasing its collaboration with industry. The establishment of the Sustainable Biotech Innovation Centre, linking the public and private sectors has the goal of contributing to the realisation of the national circular economy strategy as well as the environmental health action plan. Sectors identified include construction and industry, renewable energy, organic waste, agriculture and food, health, soil remediation and use, and water.


One of the important LIST missions is to create economic impact. The ERIN department contributed to the creation of the 4 spin-offs RTC4Water, Agroptimize, Wasdi and Invitrolize.

Projets en cours

Estimating distribution changes and the conservation status of the dormouse in Luxembourg

Using camera traps to monitor the presence of non-flying mammals in Luxembourg forest landscapes.

Detecting changes in the population of essential pollinating insects across Luxembourg using standardized methods and engaging citizens.


Vers une gestion agricole visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre du sol, à renforcer le carbone du sol et à accroître la résistance des cultures à la sécheresse.


Towards increasing precision and efficiency in modern agriculture with Cooperative Aerial and Ground Robots.


Design of an innovative diagnostic test for the in-situ detection and quantification of food- and waterborne viruses based on the aptamer technology.


Automatiser l'observation des amphibiens par l'utilisation d'un piège caméra sous-marin et évaluer son intérêt pour le suivi de la biodiversité.


Comprendre et réduire l'empreinte carbone au Luxembourg.


Validation of the SAR-based CCI water bodies product


Projection régionale du changement climatique basée sur les scénarios d'émissions RCP2.6 et RCP8.5 pour la Grande Région.


Numerical based urban bio-climate analysis for the Pro Sud region / Luxembourg.


Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Cost-effective and Environmental-Friendly Connectivity Solutions


Assessment of honeybee viruses in wild pollinators in Luxembourg


Modélisation du potentiel de la flexibilité dans les ménages, l'industrie, les PME et le secteur de l'e-mobilité pour soutenir les gestionnaires de réseaux électriques dans la [...]


Des procédés de production innovants à base de plantes pour l'exploitation commerciale d'ingrédients cosmétiques scientifiquement validés.


Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the viticulture of Montenegro.


Comprendre les mécanismes de la toxicité des nanomatériaux sur les invertébrés d'eau douce


Enabling future implementation of One Health Surveillance systems through enhanced training program for urban wastewater watch


Influence of anthropogenic emissions and meteorology on health-relevant air pollutants in rural and urban areas of Luxembourg.


REGEN will pave innovative pathways for the regeneration of European neighborhoods and cities, tackling urgent socioeconomic, climate and built environment challenges.


Establish the active surveillance of viral pathogens of interest in Luxembourg's wastewater and present the analyzed data on a digital platform for effective and reliable [...]


Protéger et renforcer la durabilité économique du secteur viticole de l'AOP "Moselle Luxembourgeoise" dans des conditions climatiques changeantes.


Vers une surveillance non invasive et rentable de la circulation des virus à fort potentiel épidémique et pandémique.


Analyser les menaces imposées par les virus végétaux dans les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures.

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