Les publications scientifiques des CRPs Henri Tudor et Gabriel Lippmann publiées avant la création du LIST sont disponibles en ligne : télécharger le PDF du CRP Henri Tudor (910Ko) et le PDF du CRP - Gabriel Lippmann (1,3Ko).
Tunnel junctions in a III–V nanowire by surface engineering
Auteurs : S. Nadar, C. Rolland, J.-F. Lampin, X. Wallart, P. Caroff, and R. Leturcq Référence : Nano Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp 980-989, 2015
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Innovation modes and strategies in knowledge intensive business services
Auteurs : A. L. Asikainen Référence : Service Business, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 77-95, 2015
Nupela troglophila sp. nov., an aerophilous diatom (Bacillariophyta) from the Bossea cave (NW Italy), with notes on its ecology
Auteurs : E. Falasco, F. Bona, M. Isaia, E. Piano, C. E. Wetzel, L. Hoffmann, and L. Ector Référence : Fottea, vol. 15, pp. 1-9, 2015
First steps toward harmonized human biomonitoring in Europe: Demonstration project to perform human biomonitoring on a European Scale
Auteurs : E. Den Hond, E. Govarts, H. Willems, R. Smolders, L. Casteleyn, M. Kolossa-Gehring, K. Becker, G. Schwedler, M. Seiwert, U. Fiddicke, A. Castaño, M. Esteban, J. Angerer, H. M. Koch, B. Schindler, O. (...) Référence : Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 123, no. 3, pp. 255-263, 2015
Implications of a consumer-based perspective for the estimation of GHG emissions. The illustrative case of Luxembourg.
Auteurs : D. Caro, B. Rugani, F. M. Pulselli, and E. Benetto Référence : Science of The Total Environment, vol. 508, pp. 67-75, 2015
A reference benchmark solution for free convection in a square cavity filled with a heterogeneous porous medium
Auteurs : M. Fahs, A. Younes, and A. Makradi Référence : Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 437-462, 2015
Destructuring plant biomass: Focus on fungal and extremophilic cell wall hydrolases
Auteurs : G. Guerriero, J. F. Hausman, J. Strauss, H. Ertan, and K. S. Siddiqui Référence : Plant Science, vol. 234, pp. 180-193, 2015
Hydrological connectivity as indicated by transport of diatoms through the riparian-stream system
Auteurs : N. Martínez-Carreras, C. E. Wetzel, J. Frentress, L. Ector, J. J. McDonnell, L. Hoffmann, and L. Pfister Référence : Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 2391-2434, 2015
Partial inventory of ABCB and ABCC transporter genes responding to cadmium and zinc contamination in zebrafish Danio rerio
Auteurs : J.-P. Bourdineaud, S. Cambier, S. Prévéral, P. Catty, and C. Forestier Référence : Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, vol. 5, no. 3, 2015
Achieving contextual ambidexterity with communities of practice at GDF SUEZ
Auteurs : P. J. Barlatier, and O. Dupouët Référence : Global Business and Organizational Excellence, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 43-53, 2015
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis suggests hydrogenase- and nitrogenase-mediated hydrogen production in Clostridium butyricum CWBI 1009
Auteurs : M. Calusinska, C. Hamilton, P. Monsieurs, G. Mathy, N. Leys, F. Franck, B. Joris, P. Thonart, S. Hiligsmann, and A. Wilmotte Référence : Biotechnology for Biofuels, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 27, 2015
Cluster Sculptor, an interactive visual clustering system
Auteurs : P. Bruneau, P. Pinheiro, B. Broeksema, and B. Otjacques Référence : Neurocomputing, vol. 150, Part B, pp. 627-644, 2015