Les publications scientifiques des CRPs Henri Tudor et Gabriel Lippmann publiées avant la création du LIST sont disponibles en ligne : télécharger le PDF du CRP Henri Tudor (910Ko) et le PDF du CRP - Gabriel Lippmann (1,3Ko).
Interactive and iterative visual clustering
Auteurs : L. Boudjeloud-Assala, P. Pinheiro, A. Blansché, T. Tamisier, and B. Otjacques Référence : Information Visualization, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 181-197, 1016
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Determination of the geometric corrugation of graphene on SiC(0001) by grazing incidence fast atom diffraction
Auteurs : A. Zugarramurdi, M. Debiossac, P. Lunca-Popa, A. J. Mayne, A. Momeni, A. G. Borisov, Z. Mu, P. Roncin, and H. Khemliche Référence : Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, no. 10, p. 101902, 2015
Coseismic liquefaction phenomenon analysis by COSMO-SkyMed: 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake
Auteurs : M. Chini, M. Albano, M. Saroli, L. Pulvirenti, M. Moro, C. Bignami, E. Falcucci, S. Gori, G. Modoni, N. Pierdicca, and S. Stramondo Référence : International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 39, pp. 65-78, 2015
Chapter 3: Proteomic approaches for the analysis of salt tolerance in plants
Auteurs : P.S. Sha Valli Khan, G.V. Nagamallaiah, K. Sergeant and J.-F. Hausman Référence : in Abiotic stress challenges and prospects, P. Ratna Kumar, Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 41-107, 2015
A pilot study on the feasibility of European harmonized human biomonitoring: Strategies towards a common approach, challenges and opportunities
Auteurs : L. Casteleyn, B. Dumez, K. Becker, M. Kolossa-Gehring, E. Den Hond, G. Schoeters, A. Castaño, H. M. Koch, J. Angerer, M. Esteban, K. Exley, O. Sepai, L. Bloemen, M. Horvat, L. E. Knudsen, A. Joas, R. (...) Référence : Environmental Research, vol. 141, pp. 3-14, 2015
Combination of equilibrium models and hybrid life cycle-input-output analysis to predict the environmental impacts of energy policy scenarios
Auteurs : E. Igos, B. Rugani, S. Rege, E. Benetto, L. Drouet, and D. S. Zachary Référence : Applied Energy, vol. 145, pp. 234-245, 2015
Too cool to work
Auteurs : X. Moya, E. Defay, V. Heine, and N. D. Mathur Référence : Nature Physics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 202-205, 2015
Semi-automatic ground truth generation using unsupervised clustering and limited manual labeling: Application to handwritten character recognition
Auteurs : S. Vajda, Y. Rangoni, and H. Cecotti Référence : Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 58, pp. 23–28, 2015
A study of composite laminates failure using an anisotropic gradient-enhanced damage mean-field homogenization model
Auteurs : L. Wu, F. Sket, J. M. Molina-Aldareguia, A. Makradi, L. Adam, I. Doghri, and L. Noels Référence : Composite Structures, vol. 126, pp. 246-264, 2015
Tunnel junctions in a III–V nanowire by surface engineering
Auteurs : S. Nadar, C. Rolland, J.-F. Lampin, X. Wallart, P. Caroff, and R. Leturcq Référence : Nano Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp 980-989, 2015
Innovation modes and strategies in knowledge intensive business services
Auteurs : A. L. Asikainen Référence : Service Business, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 77-95, 2015
Nupela troglophila sp. nov., an aerophilous diatom (Bacillariophyta) from the Bossea cave (NW Italy), with notes on its ecology
Auteurs : E. Falasco, F. Bona, M. Isaia, E. Piano, C. E. Wetzel, L. Hoffmann, and L. Ector Référence : Fottea, vol. 15, pp. 1-9, 2015