Les publications scientifiques des CRPs Henri Tudor et Gabriel Lippmann publiées avant la création du LIST sont disponibles en ligne : télécharger le PDF du CRP Henri Tudor (910Ko) et le PDF du CRP - Gabriel Lippmann (1,3Ko).
Formation and mechanical properties of membranes formed at the surface of walnut stain extract solutions
Auteurs : K. Apaydin, E. Mathieu, R. Fabre, A. Laachachi, V. Ball, and G. Francius Référence : Journal of Bionanoscience , vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 437-444, 2015
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Synthesis of vanadium oxide films with controlled morphologies: Impact on the metal-insulator transition behaviour
Auteurs : S. Kumar, D. Lenoble, F. Maury, and N. Bahlawane Référence : Physica Status Solidi A, vol. 212, no. 7, pp. 1582-1587, 2015
Molecular dynamics simulation on the initial stage of 1 eV carbon deposition on silicon
Auteurs : P. Philipp, A. Jana, L. Briquet, T. Wirtz, and G. Henrion Référence : Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 48, no. 26, art. no. 265303, 2015
Thermal analysis goes with mass spectrometry to evaluate the molecular weight of a fluorinated plasma polymer
Auteurs : T. Fouquet, G. Mertz, M. Delmée, L. Fetzer, and C. Becker Référence : Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 980-990, 2015
Atmospheric solid analysis probe mass spectrometry vs electrospray tandem mass spectrometry of polydimethylsiloxanes in positive and negative ionization modes
Auteurs : T. Fouquet, C. Barrère-Mangote, M. Farenc, C. Afonso, and P. Giusti Référence : Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 982–986, 2015
Computational study of acidic and basic functionalized crystalline silica surfaces as a model for biomaterial interfaces
Auteurs : M. Corno, M. le Piane, S. Monti, M. Moreno-Couranjou, P. Choquet, and P. Ugliengo Référence : Langmuir, vol. 31, no. 23, pp. 6321-6331, 2015
Prediction of photovoltaic Cu(In,Ga)Se2 p-n device performance by forward bias electrochemical analysis of only the p-type Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films
Auteurs : D. Colombara, T. Bertram, V. Depredurand, T. Fouquet, J. Bour, C. Broussillou, P. P. Grand, and P. J. Dale Référence : ECS Transactions, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 19-25, 2015
Finite element modeling of surface morphological instabilities of film-substrate systems
Auteurs : F. Xu, M. Potier-Ferry, S. Belouettar, Y. Koutsawa, and P. Ventura Référence : in 12e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2015), 18-22 Mai 2015, Presqu'île de Giens (Var), France 2015
Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in multiferroic superlattices: finite-temperature properties and electric-field-driven switching of polarization and magnetization
Auteurs : B. Xu, D. Wang, H. J. Zhao, J. Íñiguez, X. M. Chen, and L. Bellaiche Référence : Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 25, no. 24, pp. 3626-3633, 2015
Epitaxial phases of BiMnO3 from first principles
Auteurs : O. Diéguez and J. Íñiguez Référence : Physical Review B, vol. 91, no. 18, p. 184113, 2015
Printed barium strontium titanate capacitors on silicon
Auteurs : D. Sette, V. Kovacova, and E. Defay Référence : Thin Solid Films, vol. 589, pp. 111-114, 2015
Evaluation of the compositional changes during flooding of reactive fluids using scanning electron microscopy, nano-secondary ion mass spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, and whole-rock geochemistry
Auteurs : U. Zimmermann, M. Vadla Madland, A. Nermoen, T. Hildebrand-Habel, S. A. R. Bertolino, A. Hiorth, R. I. Korsnes, J.-N. Audinot, and P. Grysan Référence : AAPG Bulletin, vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 791-805, 2015