Les publications scientifiques des CRPs Henri Tudor et Gabriel Lippmann publiées avant la création du LIST sont disponibles en ligne : télécharger le PDF du CRP Henri Tudor (910Ko) et le PDF du CRP - Gabriel Lippmann (1,3Ko).
A correlative methodology based on SIMS for advanced materials characterization
Auteurs : S. Eswara, R. Hu, L. Yedra, J.-N. Audinot, A. Schwedt, C. Tasan, J. Mayer, D. Raabe, and T. Wirtz Référence : in 16th European Microscopy Congress 2016, August 28 - September 2, 2016, Lyon, France, 2016
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Thermo-mechanical degradation of plasticized poly(lactide) after multiple reprocessing to simulate recycling: Multi-scale analysis and underlying mechanisms
Auteurs : B. Brüster, F. Addiego, F. Hassouna, D. Ruch, J. M. Raquez, and P. Dubois Référence : Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 131, pp. 132-144, 2016
A Special section on nanocomposites: synthesis and optical related applications
Auteurs : N. Bahlawane, C. Blackman, and A. P. Peter Référence : Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 10067-10068(2), 2016
Optimizing the sputter deposition process of polymers for the Storing Matter technique using PMMA
Auteurs : C. Turgut, G. Sinha, J. Lahtinen, K. Nordlund, M. Belmahi, and P. Philipp Référence : Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 699-709, 2016
Electrocaloric cooler combining ceramic multi-layer capacitors and fluid
Auteurs : D. Sette, A. Asseman, M. Gérard, H. Strozyk, R. Faye, and E. Defay Référence : APL Materials, vol. 4, no. 9, 2016
Atomic layer deposition of cobalt carbide films and their magnetic properties using propanol as a reducing agent
Auteurs : M. Sarr, N. Bahlawane, D. Arl, M. Dossot, E. McRae, and D. Lenoble Référence : Applied Surface Science, vol. 379, pp. 523-529, 2016
Characterization of gas diffusion electrodes for metal-air batteries
Auteurs : T. Danner, S. Eswara, V. P. Schulz, and A. Latz Référence : Journal of Power Sources, vol. 324, pp. 646-656, 2016
TiO2- and ZnO-based materials for photocatalysis: Material properties, device architecture and emerging concepts
Auteurs : O. M. Ishchenko, V. Rogé, G. Lamblin, and D. Lenoble Référence : in Semiconductor photocatalysis - materials, mechanisms and applications, C. Wenbin (Ed.), InTech, 2016
Elastic and yield behaviors of recycled polypropylene-based composites: Experimental and modeling study
Auteurs : K. Wang, N. Bahlouli, F. Addiego, and S. Ahzi Référence : Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 99, pp. 132-153, 2016
New insights on the chemical modification of lignin: acetylation versus silylation
Auteurs : P. Buono, A. Duval, P. Verge, L. Averous, and Y. Habibi Référence : ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 5212–5222, 2016
Atomistic mechanism leading to complex antiferroelectric and incommensurate perovskites
Auteurs : K. Patel, S. Prosandeev, Y. Yang, B. Xu, J. Íñiguez, and L. Bellaiche Référence : Physical Review B, vol. 94, no. 5, p. 054107, 2016
Spatially resolved imaging of electrocaloric effect and the resultant heat flux in multilayer capacitors
Auteurs : Y. Liu, B. Dkhil, and E. Defay Référence : ACS Energy Letters, vol. 1, pp. 521-528, 2016