LIST Quarterly #1/2019 out now!

Published on 04/04/2019

LIST's trimestrial tech knowledge e-newsletter focuses on technology transfer and industrial partnerships, and highlights news and events at LIST of particular interest to private and public companies. What's new?

Pathways to ultra efficiency

Towards a smart nation with the international symposium 2019. Discover the post-event video online.


"LIST takes the initiative to create the smart cities of the future".

The European Commission has made smart cities a priority through its European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, devised to draw together diverse stakeholders to improve urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions. The initiative also aims to address city-specific challenges from different policy areas, such as energy, mobility and transport, IT and communications. LIST has been a participant in this pan-European initiative, and is involved in various projects in different areas of smart city development. Read the full article on


Browse LIST Quarterly's news section to find all the latest from LIST ranging from new partnerships and tech innovations to business-relevant events and tips on how to collaborate in a public-private partnership. 


You are warmly invited to subscribe to LIST Quarterly by filling in your profile online. You will be given the opportunity to provide keywords of your points of interest in order to guarantee that only those mailings reach you, that are relevant for you. 

> Discover the third edition of LIST Quarterly in English or in French, or visit LIST's e-Newsletter page.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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