Over three days, from April 14-16, 2015, more than 180 researchers gathered in Luxembourg for the 9th EARSeL workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy. The event, which brought together the largest number of participants since its launch, was jointly organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Trier. The European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) is a scientific network with approximately 250 members, with LIST among them. With the Special Interest Group on Imaging Spectroscopy, EARSEL aims to encourage discussion among international experts working with innovative technologies for Earth observation.
Since the start of this workshop series in 1998 in Zurich, the idea of using light as a diagnostic source of information has been gaining momentum and has turned into an exciting and challenging field of research. Taking measurements in many narrow spectral bands will be possible from space in a few years, and has just become feasible from remotely piloted airborne systems. At the same time, the latest imaging spectrometers measure not only in the traditional visible and near-infrared regions, but now also fluorescence and the thermal- and mid-infrared regions. The advances being made in spectrometer measurements and analytical techniques allow us to now explore numerous applications that were previously unthought of.
In Luxembourg, LIST's Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department is active in spectroscopy research, particularly in infrared thermal imaging such as the detection of crop stress. Researchers are currently working on PLANTSENS - "Detection of plant stress using advanced thermal and spectral remote sensing technology for Improved crop management", funded by the National Research Fund (Fonds National de la Recherche - FNR), among other projects.
European researchers have already agreed to meet in 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland for the next edition of the EARSeL workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy.