On Wednesday 4 December, LIST launched a wall of very high resolution multi-touch screens with a motion tracking system unique in the Greater Region. To find a similar set-up, you would have to go to Paris or Munich.
The mosaic of 24 high-resolution 46-inch touch screens span seven metres by two. Eight motion tracking cameras, a sound system and a professional control table, as well as a “flystick”, a remote control equipped with sensors, complete this little gem of technology now available at LIST.
It offers the possibility of interacting at different parts of the wall and with several people at the same time by allowing up to 32 simultaneous touch interactions. Thanks to the eight motion tracking cameras other multiple interactions are also possible. Uses include advanced data analytics and visualisation, supporting workshops, meetings or training. Possible applications may be found in the fields of space with gigapixel images, infrastructure management, response to emergency situations, modelling of biological or physical phenomena, improving business processes and industrial product design.
This equipment, offering new research opportunities, is co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.
Supervisor - Benoit Otjacques
Development team:
Joan Baixauli
Louis Deladiennee
Mohammad Ghoniem
Patrick Gratz
Johannes Hermen
Mickaël Stefas
Luc Vandenabeele
IT Support:
Effective support from IT services received from:
Hugues Henriot
José Brignoli
Nicolas Zirn
Xavier Detro
David Soares
Stéphane Plehiers