LIST signs its 2022-2025 multi-annual agreement with the Luxembourg State and sees its funding increase by 18 % for this period.
On Thursday 13 January 2022, the Minister for Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch, on one side, and the President of the Board of Directors, Jacques Lanners, and the Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Kallstenius, on the other, signed the multiannual agreement between the State and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) for the period 2022-2025.
Within the framework of this agreement, the State allocations to LIST will amount to 219,41 million euros, an increase of some 16,8 % compared to the 2018-2021 multi-annual agreement. These state allocations will enable the Institute to continue implementing its LIST 2.0 strategy, building on LIST's existing strengths and taking into account the current priorities of the European Commission, and also those of the Luxembourg government, notably the green and digital transitions. This is confirmation of the Luxembourg government's desire to continue to diversify the Luxembourg economy by focusing on research and innovation.
In return for the state grant, LIST commits itself by signing the agreement to achieve a series of key performance indicators divided into three categories: research and technology, innovation and partnerships, and finally financial. These indicators will be part of the annual reports transmitted to the Ministry. An external evaluation of LIST is also planned for 2022.
In total, the State will invest 1,70 billion euros in research and higher education for the period from 2022 to 2025, corresponding to a 17,6 % increase compared to the period from 2018 to 2021.
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