The 20th January 2015, the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, a national service of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) ran a workshop organised by the Institut Viti-Viniculteur (IVV) and MBR Lëtzebuerg with over 90 participants from the wine sector.
Entitled "Pflanzenschutzmittel - Anwendersicherheit: Neue Kennzeichnungsetiketten und Sicherheitsdatenblätter", the workshop was organised within the framework of the upcoming (1st June 2015) entry into force of the European Regulation on the classification, packaging and labelling (CLP) for chemical mixtures to which also the plant protection products widely used by the sector belong. To safely handle these products, it is important for the sector to be aware of the new commun
ication rules about the risks involving the use of these products (cf. new labels, new pictograms, etc.).
Two further seminars are planned: the 3rd and 12th February, both in Colmar-Berg.
For more information: and