Kahina Mehennaoui, a PhD student in the Environmental Health and Nanosafety Group of the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department at the Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), is taking part in NANOPOSTER 2015, the 5th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference which runs from April 13th-19th, 2015 and is hosted by The International Nanoscience Community. Her poster, entitled “Size and surface-dependent effects of silver nanoparticles on Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda): link between physiological and behavioural responses” looks at the effects of synthetized silver nanoparticles on the aquatic environment. In particular, the study investigates the toxic effects of these particles on the survival, physiological and behavioural responses of Gammarus fossarum, a crustacean found in freshwater ecosystems.
View the poster online: P15-10: Size andsurface-dependent effects of silver nanoparticles on Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda): link between physiological and behavioural responses
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L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette