Hydrological connectivity inferred from diatom transport through the riparian-stream system


N. Martínez-Carreras, C.E. Wetzel, J. Frentress, L. Ector, J.J. McDonnell, L. Hoffmann, and L. Pfister


Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 3133-3151, 2015


We tested the hypothesis that different diatom species assemblages inhabit specific moisture domains of the catchment and, consequently, the presence of certain species assemblages in the stream during runoff events offers the potential for recording whether there was hydrological connectivity between these domains or not. In the Weierbach catchment, the transport of aerial diatoms during events suggested a rapid connectivity between the soil surface and the stream.


doi: 10.5194/hess-19-3133-2015

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