Social Media Charter

Social media is changing the way we communicate as well as the way we work, allowing us the opportunity to engage with partners, collaborators and the wider world as a whole.  It is an excellent means of participating in discussions related to the activities we undertake here at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "LIST") as well as the projects which are so important to us.

The present Social Media Charter is the document which should be consulted prior to undertaking any online communication related to LIST. It is intended for LIST's employees and partners or external contacts mentioning LIST or visiting LIST's accounts.

Here at LIST, we attach great importance to the messages we communicate on a daily basis and we are eager to ensure that communication regarding us is of good quality.

The following section concerns employees of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology:

This Charter is intended as a complement to the more targeted and detailed guides that explain how to communicate effectively online, and which are made available to employees of LIST wishing to publish content on blogs, wikis, social networks or other virtual applications. We recommend that you periodically consult these guides via our intranet site to ensure that you have the latest information.

Within the scope of your activities at LIST, social networks represent one means of communication allowing you to exchange information and share knowledge.

Certain obligations and recommendations, however, must be taken into consideration:

•    Identify yourself
If you write a blog article, post a tweet or publish any information on any social media dealing with subjects related to LIST, use your real name, specify that you work for LIST and indicate your role.
Write about information you know and always use the first person singular, indicating that these are personal opinions. Never assume the identity of any other person, purposely conceal your own identity as an employee, or speak directly on behalf of LIST.
•    Remember that you are representing LIST
When communicating on social networks, you generate perceptions about your expertise and about LIST. Please do not forget that the things you say and write have a direct impact on the reputation of LIST.
•    Adopt correct behavior
Be yourself and always communicate sensibly, politely and with diplomacy. Respect people and facts.
•    Think before you post a message
All statements must be true and should never mislead, and all claims must be well-founded and endorsed.
Please note, everything published online can be traced, and leaves a permanent trail! Bear in mind that everything published on social media is permanent and difficult to delete.
•    Protect strategic information about LIST
You should respect the confidentiality of strategic information and protected content, i.e. do not communicate any information which is confidential or for internal use only.
•    Adapt your message to your target audience
As a researcher, you will no doubt have a tendency to use technical vocabulary specific to your area of expertise. Depending on the media used, ensure you adapt your language to your target audience.
•    Respect copyright
If you are not the author of the content or part of the content you are sharing, always indicate the source of the information and add a link to the source wherever possible.
•    Remain dynamic in your contribution
With Web 2.0, we are evolving in a world which is almost instantaneous and user expectations in terms of speed of response are high. If you are unable to actively participate in a conversation, it is best not to start one as this risk harming your credibility.
Continuously fuelling interactive channels such as those created by Web 2.0 requires a great deal of time and a certain level of availability so as to be able to react with speed.
•    Adopt a Corporate response strategy
Do not forget your involvement with LIST; it is important to adopt a strategy which falls in line with LIST, its values, its communication activities, etc.

When you communicate, some people will not share your opinion and will tell you so.  Respect this and always think before reacting; do not respond on a whim and contact the Corporate Communication Department with any queries. 

The following section concerns Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology’s project partners:

We are delighted to be able to count on our partners to represent our research projects and activities on social media with the same respect and honesty that we show to you.
•    Respect confidentiality clauses
In regards to contracts which bind us, you, your company and LIST, we ask that you respect confidentiality clauses, as we do for you, and not disclose information which is not intended to be made public or data which has not been approved by a team.
•    You speak in your own name and not on behalf of the project
It is important to identify yourself and speak solely on your own behalf. We encourage you to communicate in the first person singular. Bear in mind that you are responsible for the information you share online.
•    Only publish relevant and accurate information
We follow social media relative to our profession and are committed to publishing data which is correct, relevant, and approved and documented where applicable; we would ask that you do likewise.
In such instance as any declarations made online should appear to be incorrect or misinterpreted, we hereby reserve the right to react and will contact you, where applicable, to correct your publications.
•    Publish documents for which you hold authorsation
Whether concerning the distribution of messages or documents pertaining to your activities with LIST, prior authorisation for publication should be granted.
•    Do not omit to cite us, using our full name as follows: "Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology" or its acronym "LIST".
The following sections concern anyone who cites the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in their social media communications:
We believe that any sharing of information is an act which promotes LIST and its researchers and we encourage initiatives which promote our activities.
•    LIST hereby undertakes to adopt responsible behavior on social networks, and we kindly ask that you do likewise.
•    Always remain polite, and remember that the most interesting discussions are undertaken in a friendly manner.  Please always measure your words prior to publication.
•    Do not omit to cite us, using our full name as follows: ""Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology" or its acronym "LIST".
•    We monitor our image and will not hesitate to react.

The following sections concerns visitors to LIST’s website and social media accounts:

Welcome to this section focused on communication via LIST's social media.

Do not hesitate to communicate with us and our visitors while respecting the following basic criteria:
•    Identify yourself: please speak in your own name.
•    Remain polite and adopt proper behavior.
Your communication will be more effective and relevant if you use moderate and considered wording.
•    LIST is listening: we attach a great deal of importance to all messages.
•     We reserve the right to delete any comments which harm the physical integrity of collaborators or the reputation of LIST, which do not deal with our activities (advertising, non-relevant subjects and similar).
•     We hereby guarantee that we hold all rights over the content we publish and ask that you do likewise.
In conclusion, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology is an organisation which is constantly evolving. The same applies to the virtual world that is the internet. The present Social Media Charter may be further developed in line with our experience as well as with developments on the internet. Do not hesitate to consult it regularly and share any suggestions you might have with us. Thank you.

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